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Wednesday, 1 June 2022

Become Your Own Electrical Utility

Become Your Own Electrical Utility

We’ve all been affected by rising electricity costs. It’s a problem that will never be solved, as utilities are forecasted to increase electricity rates each year, until the end of time. And there’s nothing you can do about it. Rising electricity costs are now a fact of life.  But, there is actually one thing you can do. You can become a utility. Which seems like a ridiculous concept at first, right? It’s actually easy: the first step is to go solar. What’s great about going solar in 2022 is that it isn’t as cost prohibitive as it once was.  You can get solar with cash but also get it financed with no money down. Both options mean that you reduce or eliminate your electricity bill immediately. Plus, if you get a home battery or electric car - you can live your entire life powered by the sun. Some of our customers have saved hundreds of thousands of dollars over time because they eliminated their gas and electricity bills.  When you go solar - you can become your own utility. Then, you no longer need to worry about rising electricity costs. Plus, there are some nifty tax benefits. If you haven’t heard, the 26% Federal Solar Tax Credit can save you big money on your tax bill. Think of it this way - a $25,000 solar installation equals $6,500 in tax savings.  Keep in mind that this beautiful tax credit decreases to 22% next year, and will be gone by the end of 2023. Also, the tax credit can roll over to next year if you don’t have enough of a tax bill to deal with this year alone. EV Charger Installation in San Diego Charging your car with a battery at home to avoid escalating gas prices is a strong idea. Sure, it’s an environmentally conscious decision, but it’s also a fiscally wise decision. This is because you can escape the chains of rising gasoline prices and power your car with electricity instead. On top of amazing incentives, battery systems are extremely useful and are more accessible than ever before. That’s a fancy way of saying that the technology is improving while also becoming more affordable.  Thus, you can have a home battery installed for emergency backup, electric vehicle charging - or both! Home batteries are perfect for keeping the lights on in an outage or powering your vehicles with clean, green sunshine energy!  Don’t hesitate to contact us for a quote on electric car chargers, solar systems, and solar batteries. At Stellar Solar, we install electric car chargers with a plethora of options including Tesla PowerWall, LG Chem, and Enphase batteries.  Now is the time to take action and advantage of the multitude of financial savings available. Plus, it’s comforting to take an environmentally sustainable approach that helps balance the grid during difficult times.   SDG&E Rate Increases San Diego Gas & Electric customers have seen a massive rise in electricity rates. Many customers have noticed double-digit increases of their bills in January alone. There are countless reasons for the rate hikes - from fuel prices, to legislative mandates, to grid stress from heat waves and wildfires.  It’s stressing a lot of people out. SDG&E has attributed rate increases to ‘surging natural gas prices – along with the ongoing need to strengthen safety, reliability and sustainability and provide public benefit programs’. It doesn’t help that SDG&E is a for-profit company who need to account for providing shareholder profit.  This is a big factor why many San Diego homeowners are reporting 43% and higher rate increases. When a monopoly holds a franchise for the City of San Diego, they do not act in the best interests of customers. When gas prices go up, they charge customers higher rates. When gas prices go down, customers don’t get lower rates.  It’s an interesting one-way street isn’t it?  Zero Net Energy  One of our customers purchased a Stellar Solar installation back in 2008. The Norby family obtained solar, and it has paid off spectacularly. Peder & Julie Norby haven’t gone to a gas station in years.  They have a license plate frame that reads “My gas is our sun” and they use their Carlsbad solar installation to power their home and fleet of electric vehicles. Not a bad idea - considering how much gasoline and solar prices are increasing these days.  Peder notes that their “zero energy home produces as much energy as it uses”. This means that their solar installation covers their electricity usage in their home and then some to even power their EVs! Their 4,600 square feet of floor space home also features energy efficient light bulbs and a land area that is populated by native shrubbery instead of water thirsty lawn.  Their herb gardens and small vineyard are fed by rainwater irrigation that leads water directly from the roof to the plants. Their efforts have even landed them a San Diego Energy in Excellence award from the California Center forSustainable Energy. While this may sound fanciful and out of reach for some, there are many incentives for people who want to purchase solar, make energy efficient home improvements, or obtain an electric vehicle. Check out our article on the top 5 eco-friendly ways to reduce your electricity bill.  The Norby family designed their home to consume energy efficiently so their solar panels more than account for their electricity usage. Peder Norby sums up with the following: “Think of the day when a homeowner produces his own energy and never has to go to the gas station. That day is coming. And it is not that far away.” It’s a great point. With a solar installation - you can become a utility. You can determine your energy future and save a boatload of money doing it! At Stellar Solar, we can design a beautiful renewable energy solar system specific to your needs.  We can help anyone: from installing a basic system, to guiding you towards creating a fully functioning zero net energy existence! Claim your energy independence today and contact us at Stellar Solar. We are here to help.   

The post Become Your Own Electrical Utility appeared first on Stellar Solar.

from Stellar Solar https://ift.tt/bfu1pF7

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